On the far side of the rail line was a maze of small, mean streets . 铁路对面是一条条纵横交错的小街陋巷。
The mean streets of windley were soon left far behind and they found themselves journeying along a sunlight, winding road . 温德莱的陋街小巷早已抛在后面,他们在一条阳光普照蜿蜒曲拆的大路上前进。
The battleground is now shifting from the mean streets to suburban living rooms 斗酒的战场已经从普通街道转移到了郊区的寓所。
There is more violence in an english hedgerow than in the meanest streets of a great city 在英格兰灌木丛中发生的暴力事件,远比大城市中治安状况恶劣的街区所发生的要多。
He can live in the meanest streets of a huge city or a house trailer in the far reaches of the rural hills 他的家可能住在大城市里最穷的那条街上,也可能是偏远的山上一个活动房屋。
The mean streets of britain are seeing the emergence ofmembers of primary school age who are prepared to fight , rob , deal drugs and even kill to uphold the reputation of their " crews " 在英国一些偏僻落后的街道上出现了一伙准备去打杀抢掠,贩卖毒品来提升帮派名声的学龄儿童。
The mean streets of britain are seeing the emergence of gang members of primary school age who are prepared to fight , rob , deal drugs and even kill to uphold the reputation of their " crews " 英国的普通街道上可以看见一群群小学生,他们打架、抢劫、吸毒甚至为了他们“成员”的名誉而杀人。
The mean streets of britain are seeing the emergence of gang members of primary school age who are prepared to fight , rob , deal drugs and even kill to uphold the reputation of their " crews " 英国的陋巷上出现一伙小学年纪的人,他们正准备去打架,抢掠,贩毒,甚至去杀人以此来维护壮大团伙的声威
The mean streets of britain are seeing the emergence of gang members of primary school age who are prepared to fight , rob , deal drugs and even kill to uphold the reputation of their " crews " 在英国简陋的街道可以看到一群小学年纪的孩子他们准备打架,抢劫,甚至为了保护他们“团伙”名誉杀人。
The mean streets of britain are seeing the emergence of gang members of primary school age who are prepared to fight , rob , deal drugs and even kill to uphold the reputation of their " crews " 一些小学生年纪的帮派成员出现在英国的普通街头,他们打架,抢劫,进行毒品交易,甚至为维护帮派的荣誉去杀人。